Although I have left the scientific field right after my Bachelor studies at the Technical University of Berlin, I still maintain a few connections to old teachers and professors. Most of my help is provided in form of software that I have written during and shortly after my time at University. Most notably the trajectory calculations for stars and the gravitational potential used in the A&A paper published by Schulreich et. al. (Numerical studies on the link between radioisotopic signatures on Earth and the formation of the Local Bubble). Section: 2.2 Constraining the paths of the near-Earth supernova progenitor stars using a Monte Carlo approach.

I have also held a splinter-meeting talk for that specific topic at the annual meeting of the german astronomical society in 2020 (Calculating stellar trajectories: A comparison between epicycles and numerical integrator in Galpy)

All other physics relevant work is mostly of private nature to satisfy my curiosity.

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